In Progess Summeries

Peice of April 2020

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  • Summery to be written.

    Peice of Augast 2020

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  • Henry's mental state had been in declie for years. Only it had been somthing people other than himself could ignore; or would be more acrute to say they were blind to it? Well either way, it could no longer have been igonred by mid 1971... His wife Linda found herself without what she had thought she had known her husband to be. In insted she had found herself with what might as well of been anthor child unable to look alfter themself. When Henry's mask of false scrity began to slip their family had found themsleves without one of the two supportive walls, and when that happens the whole stuchre must give out. It was only at the end of 1971's last dance during Linda's mouther's anuaul Chistmas party had Henry's mind fully been able to face itself without the resteths of soberness. The beer in those amber coloured bottles he had a great distaste for enabled his mind wander to what had began his metal colpase all those years ago; or rather how he himself had did his own mind in by cutting off his childhood bestfriend, his other peice: Daniel when he was but 14 himself. But, if you were to ask him than as his very mind was drowning, Henry would have said it was for the best; that it would have hurt him more if he would have stayed with Daniel. It was for the best that he leave to sit out on that premade path of a wife, a child, a nice and simple job, rather than hold on to false hopes of making out his own grand life speate from what one is suposed to be.